Certificados, acreditaciones y RRI
Accreditation as a Health Research Institute according to the ISCIII model
The IIS Biobizkaia has been accredited since January 15, 2015 by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), according to Royal Decree RD339/2004, which promotes a model of excellence for Health Research Institutes. In the year 2020, Biobizkaia was re-accredited (re-accreditations must be carried out every 5 years), according to a new technical guide effective April 15, 2019.
This guide, more demanding than its predecessor, evaluates the fulfillment of 160 criteria referred to:
- Governance
- Strategy, capabilities and scientific performance
- Impact on society
The ISCIII granted the renewal of the accreditation with a valid period until 2025, after highlighting:
- The solid trajectory of Biobizkaia since its initial accreditation.
- Its structure is oriented towards the objectives of scientific excellence, translation and innovation.
- The firm support of the linked institutions.
- The integration of your activity in the productive sector of the Basque Country.
- Adequate progression of indicators of scientific production and transfer products.
- The quality of the work carried out in the area of impact on society, with citizen participation initiatives and knowledge transfer for its effective implementation.
HR Certification (HRS4R)
The Seal of Excellence "HR Excellence in Research" is granted to institutions that they present the HR Plan, according to the internal analysis carried out, and identify the institutions or organizations that promote a stimulating and favorable working environment for the research staff.
The Human Resources (HR) Strategy for research is a model for the identification and implementation of improvements in the recruitment and management of people who work in research.
Facilitates institutions and research centers, the implementation of 40 principles that declare the "Researcher's Charter & Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers". It requires that the Institution carry out the internal analysis of its processes in relation to the principles and the elaboration of an Action Plan and the implementation of the identified improvement actions.
The European Commission granted the HR seal to Biobizkaia in 2017, and later it was renewed as a result of the internal audit carried out in 2019.
On July 23, 2024, the European Commission notified the renewal of the Award of Excellence for another 3 years. The evaluation team considers that Biobizkaia is moving forward with the appropriate and quality actions described in its Action Plan.
Equality commitment (HRS4R and RRI)
On March 8, 2019, Biobizkaia signed and disseminated its commitment to equal opportunities, to establish and develop policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discrimination based on gender.
It is intended to encourage and promote measures to advance equality within the Institute, revising and establishing actions so that gender representation is considered at the different levels of decision, advice and leadership, according to the strategic principle of corporate policy and HR.
Sustainable Development Objectives Commitment (SDGs)
From the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biobizkaia we are aware of the importance of contributing, through our activity, to the global challenge of sustainable human development. For this reason, we manifest our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established and approved by the Organization of the United Nations (UN) and in accordance with Agenda Euskadi 2030, as well as The RRI principles of Responsible Research and Innovation. This commitment is aligned with our Mission and Strategic Plan.
Innovation Management System UNE 166002
Biobizkaia has several research support units and platforms. The Innovation Unit of Biobizkaia certified its compliance with the UNE 166002:2104 standard applied to innovation projects in management, products, services and processes in the field of health.
The UNE 166002 standard establishes the conditions that an R+D+i management system must fulfill in order to function according to good practices, optimize the added value contributed by the organization and the continuous improvement of its results. The Institute has had this certification since February 12, 2015.
ISO 9001 quality management certification
The OSI Ezkerraldea-Enkarterri-Cruces (OSI EEC), which constitutes the core of the Instituto Biobizkaia, has certified its quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
This certification refers to the planning, control and continuous improvement of those elements of the organization that influence client satisfaction and achievement of results since February 12, 2015.
ISO 14001 environmental management certification
The OSI EEC, which constitutes the nucleus of the Instituto Biobizkaia and where most of our facilities are located, has certified its environmental management system according to the ISO 14001:2015 standard.
This certification recognizes efforts to reduce impacts on the environment and guarantees compliance with environmental legislation since February 9, 2016.
OHSAS 18001 health and safety certification at work
The OSI EEC has certified its occupational health and safety management system according to the OHSAS 18001:2017 standard.
This certification applies to the policies and systems of the company to implement a system that effectively protects the health of its workers from occupational risks and guarantees their safety since February 9, 2016.
Certification OHSAS 18001 (ES)
Guide to Good Scientific Practices
The Guide to Good Scientific Practices (GBPC) is a reference document in the field of research and intended for scientific personnel and scientific institutions. It is a complementary instrument to the current legislation and is developed by the private initiative of each research center.
The GBPC of Biobizkaia takes, among others, the following references:
- The universal ethical code for scientists, proposed in 2005 by the British Council for Science and Technology
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, published by ALLEA in Berlin in 2017
- the Responsible Research and Investigation (RRI) directives, as set out by the European Commission
The objective of our GBPC is that the personnel of the Institute have some standards of action and share the ethical principles related to the research activity, including planning, development, registration and communication.
Guide to good scientific practices (ES)
Policy Open Science (RRI)
The policies of Open Science promote free access through the internet to scientific knowledge, without economic restrictions of copyright or rights of exploitation or distribution. The advancement of new technologies and the response of the scientific community and society facilitates and drives the development of these initiatives, aligned with the RRI guidelines.
There are two routes for the researcher to publish.
- Ruta Dorada: publish in an open access magazine, which requires a payment from the author for its publication and provides a scientific evaluation of a certain level of rigor.
- Ruta Verde: publish in a traditional magazine and, once the exclusivity period has expired, facilitate publication in a free access repository.
Biobizkaia promotes open publication to its researchers.
Good practices in the creation of databases (LOPD and RRI)
Biobizkaia, in order to help the research staff in the registration and management of their data, provides the staff with a Manual of good practices in the creation of databases.
This manual contains the recommendations that must be followed when creating databases for research projects or with the intention of being used in research activities, in order to ensure their quality and compliance with the provisions of confidentiality and data protection valid and with the Good Practices in Research.
The objective is to help researchers:
- Simplify the data collection process. The more simple the process, the more reliable the information collected.
- Ensure that the information is complete and accurate.
- Avoid duplicating information unnecessarily.
- Minimize errors in data entry and its export to other programs.
Support for the creation of Data Management Plans (ES)
Communication and disclosure (RRI)
In accordance with the RRI guidelines, Biobizkaia has a Communication Plan, which develops communication actions, both internally and externally.
Synergies are promoted between the staff of the organization and the impact of its activity on society is favored, either by fostering collaborations with other centers or by involving patients and citizens in the activity of the IIS.